Case study

Plant for depuration of urban wastewater - Brescia (Nord Italy)

Design and construction of civil and electro-mechanical wastewater Depuration plant with capacity of 150.000 ha.eq & Sewage network (32 Km).
Engineering, civil works, sewage network, supply and installation of electro mechanical equipments, start up and commissioning and the contract to make management for 30 years. Also recovering energy from anaerobic sludge digester.

Supply and installation of electro-mechanical equipments as following:


  1. Lifting station with Submersible Pump
  2. Bars coarse and fine screening
  3. Sand & Oil removal ( travelling bridge)
  4. Primary settlement tank (travelling bridge)
  5. Biological compartment
    • Predenitrification
    • Nitrification ( Finebubble )
    • Blowers station
  6. Secondary settlement tank (peripheral traction scraper
  7. Chemical dosing station
  8. Disc Filter
  9. Disinfection UV
  10. Pressurizzation pump for irrigation


  1. Sludge pre- dynamic thickener
  2. Anaerobic sludge digester with biogas production
  3. Sludge Pre and Post static thickener
  4. Centrifugal sludge dewatering


  1. Transformer
  2. Generator
  3. Control Panel
  4. Complete electrical equipment
  5. SCADA Automation system